Wednesday, May 1, 2013

'Tis The Season

Everyone and there mama is either pregnant or having a baby right now. My cousin had one last night,  two high schools friends had one this morning and my BREASTIE (story to come later) is pregnant.

Kayla (a.k.a. Breastie) currently lives in Texas with her hubbie and their precious pets! We meet in August of 2005, as freshman in college. We were inseparable after that. Her hubs joined the military and off they went. I saw her last June for a mutual friends baby shower and then I hadn't seen her since until last weekend.

She had her baby shower here in Michigan and I was so excited to see her and help out! I love my breastie, I love babies and I love parties!

I, also, got to see my Wifey (my poor friends and their pet names)! She currently lives in Chicago and I hadn't seen her since we went to New York in 2009!!!! (Ridiculous, I know)

Here are some pictures from the weekend! The decor was a buy from etsy: Hostess With the Mostess

This was the food table. The little frames had what each 'station' was.

The decor - it turned out so cute, I am proud!

I made these clouds out of felt fabric, yarn, ribbon and stuffing. There were paper 'raindrops' that I printed out for everyone to leave messages for Matt and Kayla on. Once they wrote their note they pinned them to the ribbon hanging from the clouds. 

The gift table

Ready to head back to the shower!

The Mommy-to-be (a.ka. Breastie) and myself 

My partners in crime for the weekend. Alicia (Wifey) is on the left, I am in the middle and Allison is on the right - we had some good times!

Our favorite place that night! Mandy's in Adrian, MI!
