Friday, August 23, 2013

I love Summer!


Hands down.

Well, except for the mosquitoes, I.LOVE.SUMMER!

I have had such a fun summer, I almost don't want it to end.  We have had trips, vacations, bon fires, bbq's, beach time. I have just enjoyed myself.

This is our latest little family bbq. We had to fix the petal on Ja'Maia's bike and to test it out daddy took it for a spin - Maia wasn't having that. 

I have also spent quite a bit of time this summer taking care of Ja'Maia's hair. I have never played with coarse, natural hair before, so this summer it was my goal to experiment to get better.
This is the back 

and the front before and after. (Isn't her face in the before gorgeous?)

Then she HAD to have curls!
Then we decided that was enough heat damage for the summer and now we are working on no heat hairstyles. This was her 1st twist out (mine, too!). Not so shabby, if you ask me!

Another favorite part of summer....

 Old Town Drive In's root beer - I don't even like root beer, but this with some vanilla ice cream -!

Xo Breanne

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