Hi there!
So, recently I have had the Spring Cleaning fever... but I hate cleaning. So, maybe it should be called Spring Renovation fever. I.Want.To.Change.Everything! Actually, it may not be related to the Spring weather at all and as a matter of fact I am positive it isn't...Pinterest fever, that is what it is.
My recent obsession is a walk in closet/room. I have too many clothes, shoes and accessories (is there such a thing?). I hate that I have clothes in Ja'Maia's room (because she has the biggest closet since she has the master bedroom - another post in itself), jewelry and clothes in the dresser in my bedroom, and shoes just where ever they will fit. It drives me loco! I just want everything to have a place and for it to be all in the same room, preferably.
Well, we do have an extra bedroom. Technically, it is not extra since it is my Kitty Baby's room. What? Your precious pet doesn't have its WHOLE bedroom? Why not? *insert crazy cat lady jokes here* But, really, my precious feline has it's own room, but I want that room back. I just can't decide where to put the liter box, food dishes and stock of food, treats and toys!
But in any event, I have been perusing the internet and have found some great, affordable ideas for my dream walk in closet - now to get the boy in power tool training classes so he can help me out. ;)
Here are some ideas:
I want to make these garment racks so bad - and i will... soon. Tutorial can be found here: http://www.sallyannk.com/2011/05/diy-clothing-rack.html

This is a wonderful idea for all of those heels - just towel hangers (NOT the correct name)!

Another shoe storage idea for flats/sandals/tennis shoes made from upcycled wire hangers. Tutorial can be found here:http://www.ohsoprettythediaries.com/2012/03/diy-shoe-hangers.html

More for decoration but so cute! Who would have thought to frame bags?!

Every walk in needs a sitting area - and one with storage? DOUBLE BONUS! Tutorial here: http://ana-white.com/2011/12/beachy-storage-sofa
Such a great place to store bulky sweaters during summer and shorts in the winter!
Such a great place to store bulky sweaters during summer and shorts in the winter!

Look at these cute little shelves! Perfect for displaying shoes, storing clothes, anything!

Walmart carries these great bookcases that could double as shelves for clothes, and displaying shoes!
I just want to start now!!! Anyone know where I can sign the beau up for power tool training classes?! Heck, I will sign myself up to get this done!
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