Thursday, December 5, 2013

Dream Christmas List - Transportation

Every year I get requests for Christmas lists..."What do you want for Christmas?" "Make a Christmas list!" "Grandma is asking what to get you"...

I never really know what I want, I ask for the same stuff every year - clothes, make up, home goods and shoes. I am a girl, a REALLY girly girl. 

But, of course, I have dreams of waking up to a pony, new car and a Harry Winston... Wouldn't that be amazing! 

So, here is my dream Christmas list... not necessarily stuff I want OR need, but stuff that I think it would be pretty.dang.sweet. to wake up to!

So, no more delaying - let the drooling begin!

The grand-daddy of them all...Uhm - did I die and go to Heaven!?

This will be on my Christmas list

Maybe this one is a little more realistic (for a lack of better words)
pink bentley

This one takes the cake, too!

This would be the best present ever!

And this would be amazing:

Wally Yachts.  Sick.
This has to be the world's coolest yacht!

This is sexy, too!

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