Saturday, November 30, 2013

30 Days of Thanks - Days 21 - 30

Well, you know...

Day 21 -
I am so thankful for the seasons. I have lived in Michigan my whole life, and still complain about the cold, but I love the different seasons. I left for work today and could not help but be amazed at the freshly frost bitten, snowed upon branches - it really is beautiful!

Day 22 -
I am thankful for warm days in the winter. It is kind of nice to wake up to a freshly snow covered ground, but the sun still shining. Mother Nature truly is amazing.

Day 23 -
I am thankful for my family being so supportive. I know this has not been the easiest road, but thank you for always being there for me!

Day 24 -
I am thankful for nail polish and makeup - really. I get in these moods sometime where I just don't feel like being a girl and they both are always there to help remind me how much fun being a girl can be!

Day 25 -
I am thankful to have our vehicle. It may not be brand new, but it gets us where we need to go. Hercules is a mighty beast and for him, I am thankful.

Day 26 -
I am thankful that times are changing! Thankful that gay marriage is being considered, different races are being accepted, and that the times never stay the same.

Day 27 -
Tonight I was watching the news and saw all of the people sitting outside in the freezing cold, waiting for things to go on sale. I am thankful that I don't NEED anything that bad and that if I don't want to go outside today.. I.DON'T.HAVE.TO.

Day 28 -
Today I am thankful that a LARGE portion of my family FINALLY got to meet the love of my life. I thought it would be awkward, or weird having them all in the same room, but it felt so natural and I was so happy. I could not stop smiling all day!

Day 29 -
I am thankful it is the day after Thanksgiving - I CAN FINALLY DECORATE FOR CHRISTMAS! This is something I have been begging Babe about for weeks now... Now.. no more begging! Let's do this!

Day 30 -
I am thankful for the warm break in weather so I could get my Christmas lights up today! I will have pictures to follow!

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