Thursday, June 20, 2013

Beautiful day!

Hey! Today was so beautiful, the weather was amazing. I could not sit still at work! Gah! Work! Work was kind of crazy this week... well, yesterday, but still it was crazy. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday and it is supposed to be 90 degrees this weekend! I just hope that the rain stays away and maybe I can get some color before my trip to Chicago!

And while we are discussing Chicago.. haha! I.CAN'T.WAIT! We are leaving here the morning of July 4th and getting back on the night of the 7th. I can't wait to be back in Chicago! Also, it just so happens one of my best friends (Wifey) lives there! So, I get to see her, and my niece and her boyfriend live about 40 minutes away from Chicago and they are going to come see us! I already can't wait to show you pictures when I get back!

I did some minor shopping and can't wait to share with you what great finds I found! :) But, I am waiting for one item and I get that tomorrow... so, soon my pretties! But I swear, it is so hard to not show what I have here already!!!

Well, I just ordered Jimmy John's and it is already here... So, that is all for now!

Xo Breanne

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