Sunday, June 16, 2013

Grad Party! (Weekend Recap)

This was such a fun weekend! On Friday I went back to my parents house to help them with my little brother's graduation open house! Landon will be heading off to Ferris State University in August. He is going there on scholarship to play football! (That is the craziest sentence I have ever written! He can't be in college!!!!!!!) Since he is a football fanatic we did a Tailgate theme...Here are a ton of pictures of the decor! My mom is so good at party planning!
This was the walkway to the party - in the backyard. That is not caution tape - it actually says "Tailgate Zone" and the long white thing the back ground is one of those "fly guys" when you plug it in the fans make the guy stand up and wave around with the wind... she thought of everything!
My parents have such a beautiful back yard!
Mom made this game - you throw a football through the squares. Depending on the square you could be an amateur, high school level, collegiate or pro! There was also cornhole, a washer game (not the technical name), and ladder toss! The little tykes had a blast!
Is this not the coolest display for a beverage station!? (please excuse the lids, I took pictures before everyone came)
The food station. There was mini hot dogs, mini cheese burgers, build a potato, coleslaw, chips, cupcakes... so much food!
The tent decor and picture display. Is that not the coolest table runner, EVER!? Outdoor carpet with lines and number stencils! The football lanterns went all the way around the tent.
Of course I had to take some selfies!

It was such a fun weekend. I love seeing family, especially ones that I don't get to see that often! I hope that everyone had a great weekend!

Xo Breanne

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