Saturday, August 24, 2013

Philippians 4:13

Well, it is a little late, but Landon is officially a college student. He is all moved in to his dorm and he has started football practice!

How can my little brother be a college student!? AH! Time sure does fly!

We went to dinner the Sunday before he left us all. My mom, dad, Landon, Grandma and Grandpa Ullom, Uncle Marc and Aubrie and myself. It was such a good time. I made Landon a football cross out of a football and had a plaque engraved with Philippians 4:13.
It isn't perfect, but I am pretty proud. Here it is hanging in his dorm.

Here are some pictures of our dinner/outing.

Here is Landon, Aubrie and myself
We could not be normal for too long... this is more our personalities!
Landon and I saying goodbye!

Aubrie is so funny. She loves her some Landon.

The oldest and youngest granddaughters!

It was good to spend some time with Landon before he leaves and to see my amazing family.

Landon's football coach tweeted this picture of them after their 1st practice with pads. He is #17 on the right in the yellow jersey holding the football. (#17 is his practice number, #19 is his game number)

And here he is all offcial on the FSU website. Go check out his HS stats and his bio 

Xo Breanne

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