Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Chi Town!

Hello! It has been ENTIRELY too long, and I have quite a bit of news and such to share, but not to overwhelm, I will begin where I left off!

Our trip to Chicago was amazing! I had the best time ever! The boy LOVED it! Here are some pictures of our trip!
Just me on the riverwalk underneath of our hotel

My babe and his bottle of bling h2o

This was super cool - it was made out of boats

Navy Pier... it has my heart

An awesome friend sent up a bottle of wine and this cheese and cracker platter for us to enjoy during the fireworks... which we could see sitting in that chair in the background.
This is the view of the fireworks from our room!

One view from our window

My wifey! Shes so gorgeous!

Babe and his dream car

Doesn't babe look supa fly with that fedora?

That is about 1/3 of the Trump in the background

Us on the first day - walking Michigan Ave

Babe is in LOVE with music. He heard these bucket drummers from about 5 miles away, I swear!

At night - this was us. We don't club much, so we sat by the river at night and people watched and enjoyed the views.

Babe's 1st elevator pic!


Babe inspecting all the buildings - this is the home the Langham Hotel

We did a lot of looking up this trip

Babe being all fly and stuff.
All week we saw people walking across the bridge by our hotel in white lab coats - they were coming out of the church (the white circular building on the right). We were so curious as to what they were doing, but never got the guts to ask - until the last day. They were filming a movie! How cool! I wish I would have thought to ask which one! 

Our trip was amazing! I loved seeing Wifey!!!! I have a feeling we will be going back this fall... no complaints from me!

Xo Breanne

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