Thursday, September 5, 2013

Back to School

It is that time of year again... Ja'Maia has started 3rd grade!!! How nuts! It seems the mornings that we have her and have to get her to school are the mornings I wake up late... and go figure that we live 2 minutes from the school but due to all of the other kids that have parents that drive them it takes us 10 minutes to get to the front door of the building!

This morning - it was no different! I got up and was getting ready and then woke her up for her turn in the bathroom. She.takes.forever! Probably a little longer. Anyways, we got ready I took her to school and walked in with her since she is in a COMPLETELY different school system - building, teachers, students, everything.

Anyways, we walked into the school and because she was 2 minutes late we had to sign her in. We did that and we left the office to walk her to class and the office ladies told me that I couldn't go past the office door and that if I wanted to walk her to class I had to give them my keys, so I handed them over. Then I had to get a visitor pass, so I reached out for that, and then I had to fill out a paper! REALLY!? I was so frustrated... I looked at her and said "Are you serious? Do you need a urine sample, too? I just want to make sure she gets to her class" and I walked out. They wouldn't even let me go out the door to talk to her before leaving. I understand that people are messed up and situations happen, but during the 1st week of school they need to be understanding.

As soon as I got to work I called the school and asked them to go down to the classroom (or call or whatever they do) and make sure she was in the class. They were not happy, but that is what they get!

Anyhoots - I got to work and checked my facebook and this was the 1st thing in my newsfeed:

"Not very good with saying how I feel, but I must say I have one of the most solid females I have ever met! She holds me and my daughter down like an anchor to a boat! I swear I love u Breanne Eagly dont know where I would be in life if u were not in mine! U make all my wrongs rights and keep me motivated to better us, im about to do job number 3 and its all for u and Ja'Maia, so im taking the time to say Thank you and I love you!"

I cried! When he said he is not good at saying how he feels - he means it. COMPLETELY! I am not the girl who needs everything to be displayed on social media websites for the whole world to see, but I am still a girl and girls like things like that every once in a while.

Xo Breanne

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