Growing up my mom traveled a lot. It was part of her job, and none of us really, ever though twice about it. As a child I never really understood the dangers of flying until 9/11/01.
I will never forget that day. I remember being in the hallway of my high school (I was a freshman). We were on break in between classes. My boyfriend and I were talking and saying our good byes before leaving each other for next class (oh, young, young puppy love). Before we got the chance to say goodbye we hear someone come on the loud speaker and ask us to get to our next class. Thinking that it was the drug dogs, or something like that going on, we all did. Once we got into that next class we found out that our lives were about to change drastically.
All the classrooms that had TV's in them, had the news on. The other teachers were either renting one from the library or taking their class and joining another to watch.
I remember that day my dad had picked my friend and I up from school and we were headed to the gas station where we waited... and waited... and waited. The line was SO long! I didn't really understand. In my head, I didn't get why gas prices would be going up. Wouldn't more people buy more gas if they could afford it? If gas cost goes up, people will just stop buying it and then they wouldn't make any money... oh to be so naive.
Ever since that day I have never really been comfortable with my mom flying for work, gas has never been the same, so many lives have changed and so many hearts got a little heavier.
In 2009 I was given the opportunity to travel to NY with my mom and one of my best friends. Even 8 years after the tragic event, to be at the construction site for the new 9/11 memorials was one of the most heart tugging, tear making and emotional experiences of my life. Just to think about everything that happened, how many lives were taken, how many lives were changed. You just stand there - in awe- and, almost, disbelief.
Here are some pictures from my trip WAY back in 2009 (these are all during the construction).

The next picture describes this sculpture and its significance.

Today marks the 12 year anniversary of that tragic day and my mom is traveling. She is coming home from New York today. My mind has been thinking about her all day and my heart has been praying.
"The attacks of September 11th were intended to break our spirit. Instead we have emerged strong and more unified. We feel renewed devotion to the principles of political, economic and religious freedom, the rule of law and respect for human life. We are more determined than ever to live our lives in freedom."
- Rudolph Giuliani
Xo Breanne
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