Well, you know...
Day 21 -
I am so thankful for the seasons. I have lived in Michigan my whole life, and still complain about the cold, but I love the different seasons. I left for work today and could not help but be amazed at the freshly frost bitten, snowed upon branches - it really is beautiful!
Day 22 -
I am thankful for warm days in the winter. It is kind of nice to wake up to a freshly snow covered ground, but the sun still shining. Mother Nature truly is amazing.
Day 23 -
I am thankful for my family being so supportive. I know this has not been the easiest road, but thank you for always being there for me!
Day 24 -
I am thankful for nail polish and makeup - really. I get in these moods sometime where I just don't feel like being a girl and they both are always there to help remind me how much fun being a girl can be!
Day 25 -
I am thankful to have our vehicle. It may not be brand new, but it gets us where we need to go. Hercules is a mighty beast and for him, I am thankful.
Day 26 -
I am thankful that times are changing! Thankful that gay marriage is being considered, different races are being accepted, and that the times never stay the same.
Day 27 -
Tonight I was watching the news and saw all of the people sitting outside in the freezing cold, waiting for things to go on sale. I am thankful that I don't NEED anything that bad and that if I don't want to go outside today.. I.DON'T.HAVE.TO.
Day 28 -
Today I am thankful that a LARGE portion of my family FINALLY got to meet the love of my life. I thought it would be awkward, or weird having them all in the same room, but it felt so natural and I was so happy. I could not stop smiling all day!
Day 29 -
I am thankful it is the day after Thanksgiving - I CAN FINALLY DECORATE FOR CHRISTMAS! This is something I have been begging Babe about for weeks now... Now.. no more begging! Let's do this!
Day 30 -
I am thankful for the warm break in weather so I could get my Christmas lights up today! I will have pictures to follow!
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Saturday, November 23, 2013
30 Days of Thanks - Days 17 - 20
Well, SURPRISE... SURPRISE! I am behind again. This time of year is terrible for blogging (or maybe I am just terrible at blogging?).
So, let's get this on a roll...
Day 17 -
I am thankful for kindhearted people. I went for a run tonight and I stopped to walk for a minute and had a couple stop and ask me if i needed a ride anywhere... Yes, it was chilly, and yes I was walking, but I was running and did not need a ride. It was just nice to see that they offered. It melted my heart just a little bit because with all the bad things that people are doing in the world, there really are people that care.
Day 18 -
Thankful for sales. I hate DESPISE spending money on certain things. Like clothes, I like to look nice, but trends come and go in a blink of an eye... keeping up with the Jones' can get expensive! I love a good sale. I have became so addicted to finding a sale, I rarely ever pay full price for anything!
Day 19 -
Personal style. Going with yesterday's - I am so glad that we have the ability to express ourselves through personal style. I like that I can find what fits me and makes me comfortable and tailor my look around that. I don't have to keep up with the trends if I don't feel right in them. I can take a necklace from a current trend but layer it over my person style. The options are endless and I am happy - What more could you ask for?
Day 20 -
Today I am thankful for my job. I really do enjoy what I do. I love the company that I work for! When everyone else was getting laid off, my company was hiring. My place of employment has not only helped me, but also my community, and surrounding communities. It has provided so many jobs and helped so many people.
Monday, November 18, 2013
30 Days of Thanks - Day 16
Day 16 -
I am thankful for versatile hair! Growing up I was not a fan of my hair. I got a couple perms when I was younger and it was the 'cool' thing to do. And ever since that last one my hair just wasn't the same. All of a sudden my "hint" of curl turned into a massive, full out curl party on my head!
I used to wake up and straighten my hair every morning for school and I vowed to never let a child of mine get a perm. It was torture getting up that early. Until one weekend I decided to try and wear my hair "curly". I got out the gel and there it was - the day that changed my life forever!
Now, I am SO thankful for my hair and its "adaptability". I love that if I wake up late hit snooze a few too many times I just have to jump in the shower and then put some gel in my hair, diffuse and I am out the door!
30 Days of Thanks - Day 15
Day 15 -
Well, I am half way there! I am thankful the power came back on. After the storm we had come in last night and with SO many people not having power, and some not estimated to be back on until as late as Friday (!) I am so thankful ours came back on this morning! Yes, you read that right - people lost power on Sunday and are being told it may not be restored until Friday - I even had one friend say that they told her 11:00 pm on Friday (so basically Saturday). It got cold last night, but we I got some extra cuddling in, so HEY, it wasn't that bad! :)
Saturday, November 16, 2013
30 Days of Thanks - Day 14
Well, we are day 14, almost half way done and I have learned that I canNOT keep up with things on a daily basis, but I guess some if it has to due with the fact that it is the busy season for us at work. So, here goes nothing... day 14!
Day 14 -
I am thankful to be part of my generation! I am thankful to be part of a generation that is so passionate about things that they believe in. So emotional for times that they have been through and so proud to have been through them.
We are a generation of hard times. From 9/11 to the great economic downfall. We have had some tough times, but we are pushing through them.
USA Today explains our generation well in this article.
30 Days of Thanks - Day 13
Day 13 -
Today I am thankful for second chances. There is so much I would be missing out on right now if it were not for second chances.
Second chances are a time for a fresh start. To start over where you left at, or messed up. A time to look back and see how you did it the first time and adjust to make it work this time.
They are a gift that is sometimes, rarely given or welcomed. If you are blessed enough to be given one - take advantage of it and rock it!
Friday, November 15, 2013
30 Days of Thanks - Day 12
These work days are getting in the way!!! But, FINALLY it is Friday! WOOT WOOT! So, to catch up here is day 12.
Day 12 -
Everyone has that one person in their family that sticks out, the 'crazy aunt' or the 'silly uncle'. Well, I was blessed with a plethera and I get to call them family!! Aunts, uncles, cousins, grandmas, grandpas - we are all a little off our rocker.

Gah! I just love them!
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
30 Days of Thanks - Day 11
Hey, HEy, HEY!
Today I woke up not feeling the greatest, but that will NOT stop me! I, actually, am in the mood to work - so let's do this thing!
Day 11 -
Today, and every other day of course, I am thankful for my grandparents! They are the epitome of love and selflessness. They are perfect examples of loving, caring, accepting, forgiving and amazing people. They are there for ANYONE in my family at ANYTIME they need it. They are so dedicated to their family and friends and will give you the shirt off their backs.
I pray that so many people get to meet them, because they are sure to change your lives.
Love you Grammy and Poppy!
My Grandma Carolyn! She has been so amazing to me. Accepting us as her own and loving us every step of the way. She is such a caring and kind person! She did a great job raising her boys to be great men. Her heart is out of this world and she would do anything for you.
I love you, Grandma!
Monday, November 11, 2013
30 Days of Thanks - Day 10
Happy Monday, Ya'll!!!
Today is Day 10 of the 30 Days of Thanks... 1/3 of the way there!
Day 10 -
This guy, right here, makes me so proud and I am so thankful to have him in my life. I remember the day that my mom had him - I couldn't wait to be a big sister!
Now, here we are 18, almost 19 (eek! He can't be that old yet!), years later and I could not be more proud to call him my little brother! He has grown into such an intelligent, handsome, caring and funny man. I can't wait to see what else he accomplishes with his life!
Little Landons!

High School Landons!

College Landons! (Not too many of these, yet!)

Sunday, November 10, 2013
30 Days of Thanks - Day 9
Well, I planned on getting caught up yesterday, but that didn't happen. So, here is Day 9!
Day 9
Today I am thankful for my dad and step mom. What a great, warm, kind couple. They are always there whenever any of my siblings are down. Another great example of love and what amazing wonders it makes.

Can't forget their baby - Sly!
Saturday, November 9, 2013
30 Days of Thanks - Day 8
Today was a great day! I got to wake up when I wanted, which was around 8:30, and then I got in some crazy cuddle time with Babe. Saturday and Sunday are the only days that we get that time, so it is greatly appreciated. Then we had to get to work in the yard. Which brings me to day 8 of my 30 Days of Thanks.
Day 8
My mom and step-dad. They are so amazing. For example, they just let us borrow their leaf blower for our yard that is 98% covered in leaves. They are such an amazing couple, a perfect example of how I want my marriage to be.
Thanks for always being there for me/us. We love you and appreciate you more than you will ever know!

With the little brother at his graduation

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