Wednesday, November 6, 2013

30 Days of Thanks Day 1 - 5

Hello! I had TOTALLY intended to start this on November 1st, but with working being so busy right now, and the time change when I get home I am tired EXHAUSTED!

I know that November should not be the only day of giving thanks, and that you should do something or be thankful for something and I typically do/am.

So, since I am getting a late start I am going to give a recap of the days I have missed and then do a new post for each day, starting today, of course.

Day 1
Today I am thankful for my warm house. Trick-or-treating last night was wet and cold, Ja'Maia and I both couldn't wait to get home and warm.

Day 2
PTO. This may seem a little silly, but it is not - at all! I appreciate being able to take a day for myself, to do whatever my little heart desires and I REALLY appreciate getting paid for that day off. 

Day 3
The changing leaves in Michigan! I mean, SERIOUSLY! Have you looked around? The trees are the most gorgeous they will be all.year.long. The colors are so beautiful and so warming! 

Day 4
Facebook! Crazy, I know. I don't even use Facebook that much, but it is such a great thing, if you follow the right people. I have re-connected with so many people that I (sadly) probably wouldn't have if it were not for Facebook. I mean, Babe and his sister reconnected after 20 years of not knowing where each other were, or talking!!

Day 5
My boss. She has been SO understanding and SO helpful in certain situations. For example, Ja'Maia's grandpa is in the hospital with pneumonia so he isn't able to help us out with her after school until I get home like he usually does. My boss said that when we need to she can come up here and sit until 5. It is only an hour, but you have NO IDEA how much less stressed that makes me! It stinks when your daily routine gets messed up.

Xo Breanne 

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