Tuesday, November 12, 2013

30 Days of Thanks - Day 11

Hey, HEy, HEY!
Today I woke up not feeling the greatest, but that will NOT stop me! I, actually, am in the mood to work - so let's do this thing!

Day 11 -

Today, and every other day of course, I am thankful for my grandparents! They are the epitome of love and selflessness. They are perfect examples of loving, caring, accepting, forgiving and amazing people. They are there for ANYONE in my family at ANYTIME they need it. They are so dedicated to their family and friends and will give you the shirt off their backs. 

I pray that so many people get to meet them, because they are sure to change your lives.

Love you Grammy and Poppy!

My Grandma Carolyn! She has been so amazing to me. Accepting us as her own and loving us every step of the way. She is such a caring and kind person! She did a great job raising her boys to be great men. Her heart is out of this world and she would do anything for you.
 I love you, Grandma!

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